Therapeutic Breathwork
based on BBTRS, a method of biodynamic
breathwork combined with
movement, touch,
sound, emotional release and meditation
This method supports your body’s natural process for releasing chronic tension, self-restricting patterns and emotional trauma on a cellular level, allowing you to experience joy, self-love, and deep relaxation. During integration, sound healing techniques help to restore dissonances and blockages to their natural vibration, in harmony with the frequency of nature and the cosmos.
Bodywork with Sound Healing
based on Wuo Taï, a fascia therapy
focusing on different aspects
the physical and energetical body
Practised on a mat on the floor in flexible clothing, the flowing sequence of gentle gestures combined with small circular movements activates and mobilizes the different structures of the body - joints, musculoskeletal system, organs, (myo)fascia, nervous system and the energetical system - making it a highly effective modality. The effect of this holistic approach to bodywork is enhanced by adding breath awareness. During integration I will use sound healing techniques, harmonising the physical and subtle bodies and inducing a deep state of relaxation and rejuvenation.
Beyond Asana
based on my own path of
healing and transformation
Here we focus on developing a personal, healing-oriented (daily) practice that is based on your individual needs and wishes. From Wim Hof breathing, TRE, bio-energetic exercises, facial unwinding to meditation, I share and practice techniques with you that had a big impact on my life.
More info and pricing below
The Warrior’s Quest
The Warrior’s Quest is a topic-centred,
invigorating 3-months program.
The Warrior’s Quest is a powerful journey into sovereignty. It allows you to surrender to your own process of healing within the safe container that I create for you. At the same time you will be given tools and techniques that guide you toward confidence and inner resourcefulness so that your day-to-day challenges become opportunities for growth. By addressing specific topics in your life and areas in your body we bring loving attention to the parts of yourself that ask for reintegration and wholeness.
The Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Journey is a holistic,
in-depth 6-months program.
The Hero’s Journey is the most transformative offer. It dives deep into the work of reclaiming your authentic self and the inner strength that comes with it. It is a path of holistic healing and therefore also requires commitment on your behalf. Commitment to sense your emotions, to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you and to complement your sessions with a steady practice at home. Along this journey, you’ll be supported and guided. I create a safe container in which we make space for the fullness of you, with all its paradoxes, wounds and potentials. This is your time to fully embody the hero that you are.
The Siren’s Call
The Siren’s Call is a self-empowering,
voice liberating 3-months program.
The Siren’s Call is a pathway to liberating and expressing your voice. We work explicitly on the physical and energetical areas of your body that impact the suppression or enhancement of your voice’s freedom. This approach is as much about finding your voice in today’s world as it is about feeling safe to set healthy boundaries and to stand your ground. Be prepared to tap into the full potential and embodiment of your unique expression!
More info and pricing here
Every trajectory, may it be an individual session or the full hero’s journey, starts with a call in which we get to know each other. We have a talk about your motivation and I explain the method, after which there is space to answer your questions. From there we make an appointment for our first breathwork session. This might be just what was needed, and that’s totally fine. In most cases though, more sessions will follow. Being powerful as it is as a method, also breathwork isn’t a quick fix. By experiencing a series of sessions and focusing on different interconnected belts of tension, your process will deepen and the effects will become more profound and long-lasting.
- Introductory session (2h30): 180€
- Every other individual session (2h): 180€
- Each session within the packages (Hero’s Journey, Warrior’s Quest, Siren’s Call): 150€
Wùo Taï, the type of bodywork I offer, is both a preventive and a curative therapy. Complemented by sound healing during the integration phase of each session, it induces deep states of relaxation and (re)harmonizes body and mind.
Individual sessions:
- 1h: 100€
- 1h30: 135€
- 2h: 160€
5-session cards: 15% discount on each session
In a Beyond Asana session, we co-create and develop a personal practice that will serve your individual needs and help you transform your life’s challenges into opportunities for change.
Individual sessions:
- 1h30: 120€
In small groups (1h30):
- 2 people: 100€ pp
- 3 people: 85€ pp
- 4 people: 75€ pp
The Hero’s Journey includes:
- 3 phone calls (1h each): (1) mapping your needs and setting intentions, (2) midterm follow-up, (3) evaluation and outlook
- 8 Therapeutic Breathwork Sessions (2h each), dedicated to the 7 belts of tension: (1) eyes and forehead, (2) jaw, (3) neck and throat, (4) chest and shoulders, (5) diaphragm, (6) belly, (7) pelvic floor and (8) a general session
- 2 Beyond Asana Sessions (1,5h each)
What you’ll walk away with:
- A substantial shift in your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing toward wholeness
- A deeper connection to who you truly are
- Enhanced will power, resilience, groundedness and ability to set boundaries
- Hightened awareness of your coping mechanisms combined with more confidence to feel and express emotions so that the energetic charge doesn’t get stuck in the body
- From overwhelm to ownership: More knowledge and skills to self-regulate your nervous system and therefore a better understanding and preparation for future challenges
- A personal practice that will become your driving force in life, allowing you to be the hero in the long run
Price of the package: 1400€
(instead of 1860€ for all individual sessions together)
The Warrior’s Quest includes:
- 2 phone calls (1h each): (1) mapping your needs and setting intentions, (2) evaluation and outlook
- 4 Therapeutic Breathwork Sessions (2h each): 3 sessions dedicated to the identified topics and areas in your body and 1 general session
- 1 Beyond Asana Session (1,5h each)
What you’ll walk away with:
- A deepened understanding of your emotional and mental patterns in relation to their correspondence in the physical body
- More self-assurance and courage as well as an enhanced capacity to take responsibility for your life’s challenges and endeavors
- Release of blockages and tension in the identified areas so that energy can flow freely again
- A deeper connection to yourself and the people in your life
- A personalized toolkit of exercises to practice at home
Price of the package: 800€
(instead of 960€ for all individual sessions together)
The Siren’s Call includes:
- 2 phone calls (1h each): (1) mapping your needs and setting intentions, (2) evaluation and outlook
- 1 Healing Voice Session (2h), based on techniques from Harmonic Sounds®
- 3 Therapeutic Breathwork Sessions (2h each), dedicated to these belts of tension: (1) jaw and throat, (2) diaphragm, (3) pelvic floor
- 1 Beyond Asana Session (1,5h), including exercises to open the voice
What you’ll walk away with:
- Enhanced ability to express yourself authentically
- A deeper understanding of emotional and mental barriers that may hinder the freedom of your voice
- More awareness of your physical and energetic space and how to protect it by establishing healthy boundaries
- A personalized skillset of embodied practices, enabling you to speak your truth with confidence
Price of the package: 800€
(instead of 960€ for all individual sessions together)

The breathwork sessions are based on Biodynamic Breath and Trauma Release System® (BBTRS) - - a method developed by Giten Tonkov. This revolutionary breath and body therapy integrates deep connected breathing with bodywork/touch, movement, sound, emotional release and meditation to support your body’s natural process for releasing chronic tension, self-restricting patterns and emotional trauma on a cellular level, allowing you to experience joy, self love, and deep relaxation.
As a practitioner, I create a safe setting to breathe, sense your body and explore feelings unconditionally. You’ll also be supported to return to your own internal resources for support and comfort whenever necessary.
The breathing technique we use - deep connected breathing - is characterized by consciously eliminating the pause between your inhalation and exhalation while breathing through the mouth. The breath deepens, opening up restricted breathing areas and increasing your energy level.
In a gentle way we break through those different layers of body armor and release mental, emotional and physical blockages in our deepest core, allowing breath and energy to freely flow again and putting you back in touch with your authentic self.
Bringing things to light that were hidden and unknown, connecting unconscious patterns to past events, you gain more choice to act with awareness and to intimately connect with yourself and others. It enables you to feel the full range of emotions and sensations you are capable of as a human being and celebrate life to the fullest.
BBTRS® can help ease signs and symptoms related to:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Trauma
- Difficulty focusing
- Physical/emotional pain
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Attention deficit disorder
- Stress-related medical illnesses
- Apnea
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Insomnia
BBTRS® supports:
- Physical alignment
- Aliveness
- Self-awareness
- Inner balance
- Connection to others
- Creativity
- Spiritual connection
- Emotional integration
- Health and well-being
- Meditation
- Mental clarity
- Relaxation
Are you ready to get back in touch with your authentic self?

The bodywork sessions are based on Wùo Taï - - combined with several complementary techniques like breath awareness, sound healing, head massage, crystal therapy, essential oils and overtone chanting that support the session and help me guide you into a deep state of relaxation and unity, ideal for the integration of the session.
Wùo Taï or Ostéo Dance is a holistic approach to bodywork. Practised on a mat on the floor in flexible clothing, the flowing sequence of gentle gestures combined with small circular movements activates and mobilizes the different structures of the body in depth: joints, musculoskeletal system, organs, (myo)fascia, nervous system and the energetical system, making it a highly effective modality.
Invented by French osteopath Roland Combes after practising Thai massage for over 3 decades and osteopathy for 20 years, he found something was lacking. He introduced an intuitive approach, with beautiful elliptic movements and a state of not-knowing and joy as the base for the practice.
Being a relatively new method, it’s deeply rooted in both Western and Eastern practices with a long history, like yoga, acupuncture, embryology, osteopathy, Thai massage, Korean relaxation, martial art and at last the oldest: dance. A marriage between East and West, between Yin and Yang, reason and heart, matter and energy.
The result is great relaxation, connection, liberation and re-harmonisation of body and mind.
Benefits of bodywork:
- Provides deep relaxation
- Reduces stress, which at its turn reduces levels of anxiety, irritability or anger, restlessness, sadness or depression
- Reduces blood pressure
- Can significantly lower the heart rate, cortisol levels and insulin levels
- Relieves tension-related headaches and eye-strain
- Relieves muscle tension and stiffness
- Reduces muscle spasms
- Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion
- Enhances athletic performance
- Increases ease and efficiency of movement
- Promotes deeper and easier breathing
- Encourages faster healing time from injured muscles
- Improves circulation of blood and lymph fluids
- Enhances the health and nourishment of the skin
- Strengthens the immune system
- Increases awareness of body, mind and breath and of the body-mind-breath connection
- Provides a relaxed state of alertness
- Creates a feeling of well-being
Are you ready to release tension through bodywork?

I believe you are the only one who can take responsibility for your own healing. One of the most symbolic steps on this path is to start with a Sadhana, or daily practice. This sacred moment in which you connect with yourself, whether it’s 15min or 2hours, will have a tremendous impact on your wellbeing, more than any healing session or workshop or self-help book can provide. It is the base to fall back on, a support system that is always at your disposal. It offers new insights and helps you to transform and integrate the challenges of day-to-day life as well as to connect to something that is deeper and more profound than the daily routines we so often get caught up in.
Throughout the past ten years, besides practising asana (following the Ashtanga Mysore tradition), I've learned a number of other techniques – such as Wim Hof Method, TRE, fascial unwinding, humming, overtone singing, mantra, pranayama and meditation – that had a big impact on my life and that I gladly share with you in these sessions. My experience taught me that a combination of body-oriented methods, breathing techniques and meditation allows me to go deeper into myself than by focusing on only one of the aforementioned.
During a Beyond Asana session, I will explain one or more methods based on your needs, that we then practise together. This will allow you to continue with them at home, in your own space, time and pace. In the beginning it might be good to stick to one or two approaches and practise them for a while, getting connected to the subtleties of the method. Later you can slowly start adding more methods to your repertoire, allowing you to adjust your Sadhana to the needs and goals of the moment.
After a while, the practices will become so integrated and embodied that they serve as a resource, readily available at any moment to support you and to transform your life’s challenges into opportunities for change. Instead of being a victim of these challenges, they will become the fuel to uncover deeper layers of yourself, bringing you closer and closer to your full authentic potential.
Are you ready to develop a personal practice that will become your driving force in life?

The type of sound healing I offer during the integration phase of breathwork and bodywork sessions is based on the teachings of Michele Averard and Nestor Kornblum, founders of Harmonic Sounds - - and the International Association of Sound Therapy.
Sound Therapy is based on the principle of “sympathetic resonance”. Resonance is the vibratory rate of an object, and sympathetic resonance is when one vibrating object causes another to vibrate in harmony with it or match its rate of vibration. As everything within us and around us is vibrating at a specific frequency (every molecule, cell, tissue, organ, gland, bone, liquid, chakra, energetic structure, etc.), we can restore dissonances and blockages to their healthy frequency by using sound and intention.
One of the most powerful sound healing tools known to humans is the ancient technique of overtone chant. Using this technique, one amplifies the harmonics (the partial tones of which the voice is made) of the fundamental tone being sung, so that overtones can be perceived as clear flute-like tones above the lower drone of the voice. Where these base tones of an instrument or the voice work mainly on the physical body, overtones also impact the subtle bodies. They help dissolving and dispersing potentially harmful crystallisations in the bioenergetic field of the body, thus preventing them from reaching the physical body and causing illness.
Apart from the strong impact music can have on our emotional and mental state, healing sounds and overtones have a wide range of positive effects:
- Relief from stress and anxiety
- Induces deep states of relaxation and meditation
- Improved concentration
- Enhanced creativity
- Balancing of the brain hemispheres
- Restoration of equilibrium in the endocrine system
- Relief of sinus congestion and headaches
- Increased energy through stimulation of the cerebrospinal fluid (considered by some to be the physical form of kundalini energy)
- Easier access to intuition and higher states of consciousness.
In other words, sound healing is a holistic therapy operating on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level of the human existence. And while it is a form of therapy in itself, it can also be used complimentary to other modalities, enhancing their effects and inducing a deep state of relaxation and rejuvenation.